Pityriasis rosea Gibert
What is Pityriasis rosea Gibert?
Pityriasis rosea Gibert is a temporary inflammatory skin disease. Cold symptoms may occur before the rash develops. The predominant age is young people aged 10 to 35 years. As for the course of the eruption, a large erythema plaque of about 2 to 4 cm occurs on the trunk first, and a small erythema plaque of about 1 to 2 cm frequently occurs from the trunk to the proximal limbs 1 to 2 weeks later. Multiple eruptions form a characteristic arrangement along the skin secant. Itching may or may not be present. It usually heals spontaneously in 1 to 3 months. The cause of the disease is not clear, but the possibility of a viral infection has been pointed out.
Diagnosis is based on the characteristic rash. We ask if you have a cold as a prodrome.
It heals spontaneously and does not require aggressive treatment. If you have itching, consider topical steroids and anti-allergic drugs. There are no complications or sequelae, but it is said that there is a possibility of miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy.
In daily life, quarantine is not necessary even if a virus may be involved. Wait for natural healing while living a normal life.
At our clinic, we will select treatment methods based on the latest skin disease guidelines. We will propose appropriate treatment methods to patients according to skin condition, age, underlying disease, season, etc.
Lichen planus
What is lichen planus?
Lichen planus is a disease that causes a flat, raised purple-red rash on the skin. The rash occurs symmetrically on the body. The most common sites are the wrist and oral mucosa. When it occurs on the nails, the nails crack or atrophy. It is often accompanied by itching.
Causes include drugs, metal allergies, and infectious diseases such as hepatitis C, but the cause is often unknown. Of the lichen planus that occurs in the oral cavity, those with persistent ulcers and atrophy, especially those with esophageal lesions, have an increased risk of cancer.
Diagnosis is made visually using a magnifying glass called a dermoscope. If you find a lesion in your limbs, check the oral lesions that are found in 60 to 70% of patients. Perform a skin biopsy as needed to find out more. A blood test will be done to check for hepatitis C virus infection. Hyperlipidemia and hypothyroidism may also occur, so they may be tested at the same time. If you suspect a metal allergy, do a metal patch test. If drug-induced lichen planus is suspected, a lymphocyte stimulation test with the suspected drug is performed.
If metal is the cause, dental metal removal may be effective. If the cause is a drug, stop using the suspected drug, but it often takes 3 to 4 months for the rash to disappear. If the cause is unknown, steroids and immunosuppressants are taken internally or externally, but they are generally intractable. Although not covered by insurance, phototherapy such as narrowband UVB therapy may be effective.
Pityriasis rubra pilaris (PRP)
What is pityriasis rubra pilaris?
Pityriasis rubra pilaris is an inflammatory keratosis that begins with a rough rash that matches the pores. Typically, the left and right knees and elbows have well-defined, rough erythematous plaques, and the palms and backs of the feet have similar rashes and orange flushes.
Many have unknown causes, but some may be familial.
It is said that it will heal spontaneously, but there are many patients who do not heal easily.
It is relatively easy to diagnose from the nature of the eruption and the site of appearance. A skin biopsy will make the diagnosis clearer. Blood tests do not show any characteristic findings.
The first choice of treatment is an ointment. Apply active vitamin D3, steroids, petrolatum salicylate, urea ointment, etc.
For patients who are difficult to control with only external use, consider oral administration or phototherapy. Etretinate is the first choice for internal use. Please note that etretinate is teratogenic and contraindicated in pregnant women and should be used with caution at reproductive age. Even after discontinuing oral administration, contraception is required for women for at least 2 years and for men for at least 6 months. In young children, there is also a risk of failure to thrive due to early epiphyseal closure.
Phototherapy such as narrow band UVB is also effective and is often used in combination with internal and external therapy.
It often takes a long time to heal spontaneously, so we will continue to treat it patiently.