Necrotizing fasciitis, gas gangrene
What are necrotizing fasciitis and gas gangrene?
Necrotizing fasciitis is a disease in which bacteria invading from trauma such as cuts spread to the fascia and necrosis progresses rapidly. Among dermatological diseases, the mortality rate is high, and it is said to be about 20%.
Similar to necrotizing fasciitis, gas gangrene spreads bacterial infection to the fascia, but the type of bacteria is gas-producing bacteria, and the produced gas and toxins accumulate in the body. This is also a disease with a high case fatality rate. It tends to occur in people with immunodeficiency such as diabetes.
Necrotizing fasciitis is an infection that occurs deep under the skin and may not be clearly diagnosed visually. A blood test, imaging test, incision test, etc. are performed to confirm the diagnosis.
In gas gangrene, palpation of the gas reservoir may cause a feeling of snow grip. Similar to necrotizing fasciitis, blood tests, imaging tests, incision tests, etc. are performed to confirm the diagnosis.
The necrotic area is removed as much as possible by surgery. Depending on the patient's condition, the limb may have to be amputated. At the same time, we will strive to save lives by administering high doses of antibacterial drugs and managing the whole body. At our clinic, we will select treatment methods based on the latest skin disease guidelines. We will propose appropriate treatment methods to patients according to skin condition, age, underlying disorder, season, etc.
Furuncle, carbuncle
What are furuncle and carbuncle?
Bacterial infections in the pores are called folliculitis, and those that are exacerbated are called furuncle and carbuncle. Inflammation that remains in one hair follicle is called furuncle, and that that spreads to multiple hair follicles is called carbuncle. The affected area turns red, causing pain and a feeling of heat. Common areas of furuncle are the face, nape, and buttocks. It often occurs in healthy adolescents, but it can also occur in middle-aged and older people with underlying disorders such as diabetes. In the case of carbuncle, not only is the bacterial infection spreading to multiple hair follicles, but fever and chills may occur as systemic symptoms.
Diagnosis is based on the characteristic appearance. A wound culture test is performed to determine the type of bacteria that cause the disease. A blood test will be done if necessary.
Oral antibiotics are the first choice. If the wound culture test reveals the causative organism, consider changing to a more appropriate antibacterial drug. If pus has accumulated, perform incision and drainage after local anesthesia.
If you have a serious feeling such as with systemic symptoms, consider hospitalization and intravenous drip treatment.
Multiple sweat gland abscesses
What is multiple sweat gland abscess?
Multiple sweat gland abscesses are red and swollen sweat glands on the skin that are infected with bacteria. Since pus accumulates in the deep part of the lesion, it causes tenderness when touched.
It is more likely to occur in hot and humid summers as it causes increased sweating and clogging of sweat glands. The predominant age is when they are babies. The most common areas are the forehead and head. Systemic symptoms may include fever and swollen lymph nodes.
In recent years, many homes are air-conditioned, which reduces the chances of sweating, making it a relatively rare disease.
Diagnosis is easy because of its characteristic appearance and predominant age. By collecting pus and culturing the bacteria, the causative bacteria can be identified and an effective antibacterial drug can be selected. If you have strong systemic symptoms, you may also have a blood test.
Patients take antibiotics. If the abscess is prominent, a drainage procedure is also performed. If the improvement is poor even after 3 to 4 days have passed since the start of oral administration, consider changing the antibacterial drug.
In daily life, as a precaution, you try to create a cool environment so that you do not sweat a lot. Also, try to keep it clean by washing it off after sweating.
What is erysipelas?
Erysipelas is a disease that develops when bacteria infect the skin. Along with systemic symptoms such as chills and fever, erythema with rapid pain and heat develops. The most common sites for this disease are the face and lower limbs.
We suspect erysipelas because of its characteristic appearance and predominant sites. Blood tests, urine tests, and blood culture tests are performed as needed. In particular, if the cause is hemolytic streptococcus, nephritis may occur after the erysipelas has healed, so it is necessary to perform a urine test again after a while.
Oral antibiotics are the first choice. Usually, the effect starts to appear in about 3 days, and it usually heals in about 1 week. If there is no improvement after 3-4 days, consider changing antibiotics.
Patients with severe systemic symptoms will be hospitalized for treatment.
It is important to administer a sufficient amount of antibiotics for a sufficient period of time. Inadequate treatment can lead to repeated erysipelas in the same area
Impetigo contagiosa
What is impetigo contagiosa?
Impetigo contagiosa is a skin disease caused by the infection of shallow areas of the skin with germs. Impetigo contagiosa that causes blisters and erosions on the skin is called impetigo bullosa and is caused by infection with Staphylococcus aureus. Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome is a widespread rash of impetigo bullosa that is accompanied by systemic symptoms such as fever.
Those that produce thick scabs rather than blisters are called impetigo crustosa and are caused by group A β-hemolytic streptococcus. It should be noted that sometimes renal disorders may occur.
The predominant time is summer, and the predominant age is children and toddlers. It often occurs in kindergartens and nursery schools. Blisters grow rapidly based on rashes such as atopic dermatitis and trauma. Most common areas are under the nose, around the mouth, exposed areas and armpits. The patient is in good general condition and usually does not have a fever.
Diagnosis is made from a detailed interview with the appearance of the rash. Recently, impetigo caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, which is difficult for antibacterial drugs to work, has increased and has become a problem.
Bacterial culture is performed as necessary to identify the causative bacteria. In the case of impetigo crustosa, urinalysis is also performed because nephritis may occur.
For very mild cases, only use external medicines containing antibacterial drugs. In other cases, take antibacterial drugs for about 5 days. If the rash does not improve after taking antibiotics for a while, we suspect an infection with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, which is resistant to antibiotics.
If you have eczema such as atopic dermatitis, you may use topical steroids while taking antibacterial drugs.
In daily life, if you touch other parts with your scratched hands, the rash will spread, so avoid touching it, and keep your skin clean by taking a shower. You should wash gently with soap once a day. Avoid touching the nostrils as there are many causative bacteria. If you have siblings, avoid sharing towels or taking a bath with them.
Impetigo contagiosa is treated as a "school infection, type 3 (other infections)" by the School Health and Safety Act. If the rash is widespread and you have symptoms such as fever, take a break from school. If the area of the rash is narrow and the affected area is covered, you may go to school. In addition, although the disease is not transmitted to other people with the water in the pool, the lesion may worsen, so please stop entering the pool until it is healed.
It is also important to prevent the onset. If you have an eczema lesion, heal it as soon as possible and take a shower frequently to keep it clean.
Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
What is Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome?
Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome is a disease in which the toxin produced by Staphylococcus aureus travels through the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body, causing fever and rash. Rashes include redness, blisters, and peeling of the skin throughout the body. It is similar to the rash of impetigo bullosa, except that it is accompanied by fever. The predominant age is for preschoolers. In recent years, the rate of infection with Staphylococcus aureus called MRSA, which is difficult for antibacterial drugs to work, has been increasing.
Specific symptoms include fever of about 37-40 °C, bad mood, malaise, chills, flushing around the mouth and eye oil. It is often accompanied by sore throat and swollen cervical lymph nodes. Next, there are radial cracks around the mouth, and the rubbing areas such as the neck and armpits flush. Patients have scratching and contact pain. After that, flushing occurs on the whole body toward the feet, and the epidermis peels off. Even in areas where there is no apparent rash, flushing and exfoliation of the epidermis occur when rubbed.
Diagnosis is based on the predominant age and characteristic appearance. Smear is collected from the nasopharynx and eye oil for bacterial culture and drug susceptibility testing. We also do blood tests. Since it looks similar to severe drug eruption, we will ask a detailed question and distinguish it.
Basically, you will be hospitalized and administer an antibacterial drug by intravenous drip. For rash, apply oily ointment such as petrolatum to prevent it from drying out.
If you have severe skin pain, you do not need to take a shower.
With proper treatment, it often heals in 2-4 weeks without leaving scars.
What is cellulitis?
Cellulitis is a bacterial infection that occurs deep in the skin. The most common site is the lower leg. Suddenly, one lower leg becomes red and swollen and painful. Systemic symptoms may include fever, headache, chills, and joint pain.
The cause of the onset is a wound on the skin, athlete's foot, etc. Bacteria may invade and develop even from a slight wound on the skin. People with swelling on a daily basis should be careful because they are more likely to develop cellulitis.
We suspect this disease because the lower leg on one side is swollen and accompanied by fever. Blood tests and blood culture tests will be performed as necessary.
Oral antibiotics are the first choice. If you take it for about 3 days and the improvement is poor, it may be caused by bacteria that the antibacterial drug does not work well, so consider changing to another antibacterial drug.
If the symptoms are severe, you will need to be hospitalized and treated.
Stay as quiet as possible during treatment. If the infected area is the lower leg, raise it and avoid standing for a long time. If the pain is strong, it is also effective to cool it moderately.